Opis problema (dispozicija zaključnega dela): Razlika med redakcijama

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Vrstica 20: Vrstica 20:
!Primer <ref name="jelovcan2020" />
!Primer <!--<ref name="jelovcan2020" />-->
|Higher education is one of the most exposed and targeted sectors by cyberattacks [3]. Using communication software with end-to-end encryption (E2EE) which encrypts the transmitted data in a way that third parties including the communication provider cannot access it helps to partially address this issue. E2EE communication software, such as WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram and Signal, which are already widely accessible and adopted by the general public [2] can help secure the communication channels used by the academics. Since the human factor remains one of the weakest links in cybersecurity of organizations [4], it is important to understand what motivates academics to adopt and use E2EE communication software.
|Higher education is one of the most exposed and targeted sectors by cyberattacks [3]. Using communication software with end-to-end encryption (E2EE) which encrypts the transmitted data in a way that third parties including the communication provider cannot access it helps to partially address this issue. E2EE communication software, such as WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram and Signal, which are already widely accessible and adopted by the general public [2] can help secure the communication channels used by the academics. Since the human factor remains one of the weakest links in cybersecurity of organizations [4], it is important to understand what motivates academics to adopt and use E2EE communication software.
Vrstica 32: Vrstica 32:
!Primer <ref name="jelovcan2020" />
!Primer <!--<ref name="jelovcan2020" />-->
|The protection motivation theory (PMT) is one of the most widely accepted theories for explaining protection motivation in cybersecurity. It postulates that self-protective behavior is the result of threat (perceived severity and perceived vulnerability) and coping (self-efficacy and response efficacy) appraisal [5]. Since E2EE communication software aims to secure private communication from cyberthreats [1], PMT can be employed to explain its adoption. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear which threat appraisal factors exactly influence adoption and whether information sensitivity plays a role in the adoption of E2EE communication software among academics.
|The protection motivation theory (PMT) is one of the most widely accepted theories for explaining protection motivation in cybersecurity. It postulates that self-protective behavior is the result of threat (perceived severity and perceived vulnerability) and coping (self-efficacy and response efficacy) appraisal [5]. Since E2EE communication software aims to secure private communication from cyberthreats [1], PMT can be employed to explain its adoption. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear which threat appraisal factors exactly influence adoption and whether information sensitivity plays a role in the adoption of E2EE communication software among academics.
Vrstica 44: Vrstica 44:
!Primer <ref name="jelovcan2020" />
!Primer <!--<ref name="jelovcan2020" />-->
|In this paper, we focus on an extended threat appraisal process to address this gap. To gain a better understanding of academics’ adoption of E2EE communication software, we study the associations between behavioral intention to use E2EE communication software and perceived vulnerability and perceived severity of communication interception, trust in provider of E2EE communication software, trust in government, fear of government intrusions, and privacy concerns separately for academics who perceive the sensitivity of information on their online communication as low and high.
|In this paper, we focus on an extended threat appraisal process to address this gap. To gain a better understanding of academics’ adoption of E2EE communication software, we study the associations between behavioral intention to use E2EE communication software and perceived vulnerability and perceived severity of communication interception, trust in provider of E2EE communication software, trust in government, fear of government intrusions, and privacy concerns separately for academics who perceive the sensitivity of information on their online communication as low and high.
Vrstica 51: Vrstica 51:
== Literatura ==
== Literatura ==
<ref name="jelovcan2020">Luka Jelovčan, Damjan Fujs, Simon Vrhovec, and Anže Mihelič. “The role of information sensitivity in adoption of E2EE communication software”. In: European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference (EICC 2020). Rennes, France: ACM, 2020 (forthcoming), 13:1–2. doi: 10.1145/3424954.3424967</ref>
<ref name="jelovcan2020">-->Luka Jelovčan, Damjan Fujs, Simon Vrhovec, and Anže Mihelič. “The role of information sensitivity in adoption of E2EE communication software”. In: European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference (EICC 2020). Rennes, France: ACM, 2020 (forthcoming), 13:1–2. doi: 10.1145/3424954.3424967<!--</ref>

Redakcija: 13:04, 6. december 2020

Opis problema je poglavje dispozicije zaključnega dela, ki postavi zaključno delo v kontekst, opredeli raziskovalni problem in predstavi, kako zaključno delo naslovi izpostavljen problem.

Tipično ima to poglavje natanko tri odstavke:

Za vsako poved označite (npr. highlight s tremi različnimi barvami), v kateri odstavek vsebinsko sodi.

Pomembno je, da je to poglavje v celoti razumljivo tudi nepoznavalcem tematike (test 7. razreda OŠ).

Splošno o tematiki

Namen tega odstavka je predstaviti širši kontekst zaključnega dela.

Higher education is one of the most exposed and targeted sectors by cyberattacks [3]. Using communication software with end-to-end encryption (E2EE) which encrypts the transmitted data in a way that third parties including the communication provider cannot access it helps to partially address this issue. E2EE communication software, such as WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram and Signal, which are already widely accessible and adopted by the general public [2] can help secure the communication channels used by the academics. Since the human factor remains one of the weakest links in cybersecurity of organizations [4], it is important to understand what motivates academics to adopt and use E2EE communication software.

Praktično vsaka trditev v tem odstavku mora biti podkrepljena z relevantnimi citati (npr. 1-2 citata pred vsako piko).

Fokus zaključnega dela in opredelitev problema

Namen tega odstavka je preiti iz širšega konteksta na ožji fokus zaključnega dela. Zadnji del odstavka je namenjen opredelitvi raziskovalnega problema. Raziskovalni problem je nekaj, kar še ni bilo raziskano, ali pa je naše razumevanje tega pomanjkljivo.

The protection motivation theory (PMT) is one of the most widely accepted theories for explaining protection motivation in cybersecurity. It postulates that self-protective behavior is the result of threat (perceived severity and perceived vulnerability) and coping (self-efficacy and response efficacy) appraisal [5]. Since E2EE communication software aims to secure private communication from cyberthreats [1], PMT can be employed to explain its adoption. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear which threat appraisal factors exactly influence adoption and whether information sensitivity plays a role in the adoption of E2EE communication software among academics.

Praktično vsaka trditev v tem odstavku mora biti podkrepljena z relevantnimi citati (npr. 1-2 citata pred vsako piko). Izjema je zadnji del odstavka, ki opredeljuje raziskovalni problem.

Doprinos zaključnega dela

Namen tega odstavka je jasno predstaviti doprinos zaključnega dela in podati vpogled v to, kako to doseči z vsebinskega vidika (ne opisujte raziskovalne metodologije).

In this paper, we focus on an extended threat appraisal process to address this gap. To gain a better understanding of academics’ adoption of E2EE communication software, we study the associations between behavioral intention to use E2EE communication software and perceived vulnerability and perceived severity of communication interception, trust in provider of E2EE communication software, trust in government, fear of government intrusions, and privacy concerns separately for academics who perceive the sensitivity of information on their online communication as low and high.


Luka Jelovčan, Damjan Fujs, Simon Vrhovec, and Anže Mihelič. “The role of information sensitivity in adoption of E2EE communication software”. In: European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference (EICC 2020). Rennes, France: ACM, 2020 (forthcoming), 13:1–2. doi: 10.1145/3424954.3424967