Cilji in teze (dispozicija zaključnega dela)

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Cilji in teze so poglavje dispozicije zaključnega dela, ki jasno opredeli cilje (angl. objectives) zaključnega dela.

Pri zaključnih delih se cilje natančneje opredeli s pomočjo raziskovalnih vprašanj (običajno 1-3) ali hipotez (običajno 5+). V zaključnih delih se opredeli ali raziskovalna vprašanja ali hipoteze, redkeje oboje. Ne glede na to, ali se opredeli raziskovalna vprašanja ali hipoteze, pa je potrebna njihova predhodna utemeljitev.

Pomembno je, da so cilji neposredno povezani z raziskovalnim problemom in skladni z doprinosom zaključnega dela.

Raziskovalna vprašanja

Raziskovalna vprašanja običajno postavimo, ko raziskujemo tematiko, ki še ni najbolje raziskana. Raziskovalna vprašanja morajo biti postavljena v kontekst in dobro utemeljena.

Primer [1]
Due to the development of the internet and social networking services (SNSs), future generations will very likely find it hard to imagine that in the past, letters traveled several months or years to reach their intended recipients. SNSs today provide billions of people (Statista 2020) with ongoing and highly reliable connectivity (Bieniasz, Szczypiorski 2019), fast and easy access to communication, sharing thoughts with others, and several other activities, such as entertainment, education, building human relationships and political activities (Grčić et al. 2017; Ortiz Ángeles et al. 2017; Bustos López et al. 2018; Sivasangari et al. 2018). It is well-known that from the beginning of emigration, as they have founded their communities, Slovenian migrants have been able to organize themselves for cultural, ethnic, and religious affiliation (Kuzmič 2001; Kalc 2018). Using the internet and being online can, therefore, help and enhance the preservation of the cultural and ethnic heritage of Slovenes around the world (Hladnik 2008; Lenarčič 2020).

However, the use of communication technology and SNSs among Slovenian migrants has rarely been studied (Lenarčič 2020). Rather, the research has focused either on the internet in general (Hladnik 2008) or specific websites (Meden 2007). For example, Meden (2007) reviewed existing and representative web pages of Slovenes around the world. In the last two decades, however, no new research has emerged to address the topic of the use of SNSs by Slovenian migrants. To fill in this gap, we conducted one of the first studies on the use of SNSs among Slovenian migrants. The migration process can be divided into four key phases: pre-migrant, travel, post-­migrant, and settled phase (Lenarčič 2020). We posit the following research questions to study the use of SNSs among Slovenian migrants in these phases:

RQ1: Which topics related to the pre-migrant, travel, post-migrant, and settled phases do Slovenian migrants and would-be migrants discuss in online groups on Facebook related to Slovenes around the world?
RQ2: What are the differences in the perceptions regarding security and privacy on SNSs of Slovenian migrants in post-migrant and settled phases?


Hipoteze postavimo, ko imamo dobro zastavljen raziskovalni model. Hipoteze morajo biti preverljive.

Primer [2]
Even though privacy concerns can vary from one individual to another [37], they may be a powerful inhibitor for cyberspace activity. Similarly to individuals who may be uncertain about providing their personal medical data online due to its sensitivity and the potential threat to their privacy that its misuse poses [45], social network users may be more concerned about their privacy if they perceive that their personal and/or private data stored (or shared) on social networks is more sensitive. Privacy concerns may be also related to the trust that social network users put into the state regulation [46, 47]. For example, social network users that trust the regulation (i.e., the national and international legal regulation) to protect the privacy of their data stored on social networks are probably less concerned about the privacy of their data on them.

If social network users however perceive that the state is in fact doing quite the opposite of protecting the privacy of their data, i.e., invading their privacy through surveillance, their privacy concerns may increase [48]. This led us to the following hypotheses:

H3a: Higher surveillance concerns are associated with higher privacy concerns.
H3b: Better perceived state regulation is associated with lower privacy concerns.
H3c: Higher information sensitivity is associated with higher privacy concerns.

Na tem primeru sicer vidimo sklop hipotez, a je na povsem enak način potrebno utemeljiti tudi posamične hipoteze.


  1. Damjan Fujs and Simon Vrhovec. “Use of Social Networking Services among Slovenes around the World”. In: Dve domovini / Two Homelands 52 (2020), pp. 61–79. doi: 10.3986/dd.2020.2.04
  2. Damjan Fujs, Anže Mihelič, and Simon Vrhovec. “Social Network Self-Protection Model: What Motivates Users to Self-Protect?” In: Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility 8.4 (2019), pp. 467–492. doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.844